We have developed solid relationships in the investment banking community, but are always interested in continuing to enhance our current relationships as well as build new ones. We understand and believe in the value added by investment bankers for property and casualty insurance businesses. We have witnessed this firsthand.

If you currently represent a P&C business (distribution, wholesaler, MGA, program administrator, underwriter, carrier, risk manager, claims, etc.), please contact us. We understand and pledge to hold all related information confidential. We respect your relationship with your client and promise to only represent you - if you choose to engage in discussions with us - in the best light.

If you would like to understand more about us, see our approach and criteria. Additionally, we are a dynamic group and always interested in developing great relationships. We would encourage you to start a dialogue with us even if it does not look like you currently have a "fit" with Access. The markets and the corresponding opportunities for growth for us are always changing. Plus, we believe in developing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with integrity-based and quality investment bankers.

We look forward to getting to know you and you getting to know us.